What Not To Bring To College – Ultimate Best List
Here’s the ultimate best list of what not to bring to college. It can be tempting to bring a bunch of stuff to school. Let’s dive in!
What Not To Bring To College – Save You Time, Money, Sanity (& Your Back)
Everyone and their mom is going to give you advice for what to bring to college … but you’ll rarely hear what not to bring to college.
If you’ve already bought a bunch of stuff … don’t worry! If you can return some things, go for it, but if not there are a million online resources for dorm organization.

- Do not take absolutely everyone’s advice into account
- Definitely at your grad party, at graduation, at the store, everywhere … people will want to give you advice for what you definitely need because their kid bought it when they went to school in the ’90s. Look, some of it can be helpful, some of it can be a waste… Save your sanity. (smile and nod, smile and nod)
- Stick to a simple theme
- It can be so easy to get inspired by some of the glamorous, inspirational dorm pins on Pinterest, but the reality is that most people cannot afford $190 ottomans to match their “boho chic” theme. Save your money, and save your back.
- Comfort > Style
- Surely we all want to look our best, especially in a new environment where we want to make good impressions, where we maybe want to impress certain people (wink wink), or maybe we want to get into a Sorority or Fraternity. Just make sure that your closet isn’t stuffed to the brim with excessive clothes and shoes. I brought like 8 pairs of heels because I thought I needed them freshman year… nope, maybe wore 2 sets, 2 times the entire year.
- Avoid Excess (and you’ll be golden)
- Lastly, it is so tempting to bring items that make your dorm have a certain vibe … pretty lights, all the candles, plants galore, pillows, etc. And absolutely get some items that make your environment cozy, tranquil, and overall just make your experience better … but make sure those things are ultimately practical, and not too too excessive and you’ll be golden.
What Not To Bring To College – The Top 10 Things You Don’t Need

I don’t know about you, but I cannot simply pass through a pillow and bedding aisle in Target without starring (and probably price-checking).
When I first went to college I brought:
- 2 – Main Pillows
- 2 – Guest Pillows (… It’s literally a twin-sized bed)
- 2 – Throw Pillows
- 2 – Comforters (“Because, MOM one is a comforter and one is a quilt”)
- 2 – Sets of Sheets (the only wise choice here)
- 2 – Throw Blankets
- 1 – Large “Reading Pillow”… ya know, one with the arms.
Why is it excessive?
You do not need that much junk on your bed. Trust me.
- It’s A LOT to wash.
- It’s expensive.
- It’s annoying to make in the morning.
- You will just end up knocking them on the ground (gross).
Stick to a simple set. They can still be really cute, and it will save you so much money, time, and sanity.

Interior decor is a true art form, and let me tell you… freshman year, I was arrogant enough to assume I could make my cheap, DIY, thrifted stuff look like a page in Architectural Digest or something.
A lot of people find it really fun to soup up their dorm with the latest trends, and everything Target has to offer (… the hold that “Hearth and Hand” has on me).
It’s fun to make your dorm homey, cozy, and stylish, but just keep it simple.
Less truly is more.
Why is Too Much Decor — Too Much?
- Decorating is time-consuming — I had a roommate once who decorated for every season … admirable and enjoyable, but exhausting)
- It’s overwhelming — Having a bunch of stuff all around you might feel cozy and fun at first, but after a while, it becomes overwhelming like the dorm is closing in on you (especially the really tiny ones!)
- You will get tired of it — It’s fun at first to have a style, but as with everything, you will get bored of it, it will go out-of-style, or you will want to change it up.
- Dusting, watering, and upkeep Is … a lot — You will most likely have a lot going on in school … classes, jobs, internships, clubs, trips, parties, studying … you don’t want to have to spend a ton of time cleaning your apartment AND keeping up with taking care of all the extra stuff you have too.
- Nostalgia can backfire — It’s really fun to create a photo wall with all your family and friends, but honestly sometimes seeing that a lot can backfire. College can be lonely for a lot of people, especially at first, so having constant reminders of home, the people you miss, your pets, etc. can make it extra hard.
Find A Happy Medium
I’m all for having some cute items to make dorm living … which is oftentimes pretty uncomfortable much better.
Just avoid having excessive knick knacks…
- Pictures / Posters
- Obvious, Framed, Cute Sayings … (Home, Friends, Eat …)
- Knicknacks you will get tired of
- Too many plants

Save you and your lovely family’s backs and avoid having excessive, heavy furniture.
It might be fun, but…
- Your place is probably crowded or cramped
- A lot of places already have furniture (that you are paying for!!)
- It’s expensive to buy and move
- It’s heavy and hard to fit through doors (that elevator ride is not gonna be fun)
- Storage for things like “extra seating” is often non-existent
Think about it … most students move at least 4 times in 4 years… and sometimes even more if they get a crappy roommate…
Save your money and your back.

Addition: Elementary School Haul
I’m kidding. But remember how long those lists were in school of all the supplies our teachers convinced us were “mandatory” and “completely necessary”… like are they really gonna check whether you have 3 black pens, 2 blue pens, and 1 red?
In all seriousness, get rid of that mentality. In college, you really don’t need that many supplies to be completely honest. Of course, it depends on your major, but chances are you really just need a few things… a quality laptop (that is compatible with Microsoft Office… I learned the hard way and had a computer that operated on Linux, which is not compatible with Microsoft fun fact).
You will need a few notebooks, a few folders, some pens and pencils, scissors and tape (probably) and maybe a highlighter. A calculator too if you have math-intensive classes. Also, depending on how you study, flashcards or whiteboards can be helpful too.
Most of your stuff will be on the computer though.
Don’t Bother With:
- Art supplies
- Stationary
- Every trinkety desk item from Staples
Unless you’re crafty, or it’s requested specifically, like for a sorority event.
Save your:
- Dollars
- Time – You don’t need to be spending time organizing
- Space!

Ready to know what not to bring to college (ultimate addition)?
Excessive clothes.
It’s so fun to plan fun outfits… especially themed outfits for parties and events. But trust me, until you know what you specifically need… save your luggage room.
I bought and then bought a “Christmas skirt”… I never even wore it until after I graduated. And it was 1 time.
Things like holiday clothes are fun, but if you’re on a tight budget, get items you can wear more than once time a year, like Halloween socks or a Grinch-themed Christmas sweater.
Instead, opt for wearing a certain color like red and Christmas or green for St. Patrick’s Day.
Here’s a solid list of clothes to avoid, or bring only a few:
- Holiday Specific Clothes
- Clashy Clothing — that is hard to match with other clothes
- Expensive Clothes — there’s a solid chance get lost, damaged, or stolen.
- Uncomfortable clothes or shoes — you know … the ones you love, but they make you self-conscious or are too tight or too baggy.
- Clothes you straight up don’t wear
Save your:
- Money
- Time (especially to organize)
- Back
- Laundry bills

I love a good theme… but holiday gear can get a little ridiculous.
Honestly, while a few things here or there can be cute to have, like a holiday-scented candle…
(I’m obsessed with this one currently this fall!)
or little table-top item… but for the most part, hauling a bunch of decor in for an event, or decorating for every season is:
- Expensive
- Time-consuming — decorating is a lot of
- Finding storage space

I really enjoy cooking, and especially in college what I call “stress baking”…
It was fun.
Look, it’s great to get some fun cooking stuff, especially when you get a college apartment, but in moderation.
A good rule of thumb is, that you can get that waffle iron … if you’re going to use it frequently (i.e. at least once a month or whatever).
But don’t waste your money on:
- Themed items — like Halloween-themed dish towels.
- Items you don’t “need” — look, a pizza cutter is handy, but a knife works just fine too. It’s about weighing it’s value to you.
- Baking gear — unless you’re a big cook and really enjoy baking, I’d avoid bringing those frosting tubes and the giant mixer.
It’ll save you:
- Kitchen cabinet and counter space
- Cleaning time
- Lots of money — cooking stuff, especially electronics … are expensive
- Your back — Kitchen gear is usually made of heavy and sturdy materials

This might not be you, but I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who struggle with being overorganized, mostly as a coping mechanism.
- Shoe Organizers
- Empty Boxes
- Drawer Organizers
- Under-bed storage
- Bins and Organizers
- Folders and Binders
… all is well and good, but there is such a thing as too much or too many.
A good tip is just to make sure that you plan what will go in where, so you don’t have extra.
- Save your money
- Save your car space
- Don’t waste precious dorm room space with empty boxes

Trust me, I’m a bag person… the struggle is real.
I have always been obsessed with having lots of different bags for different events.
I don’t mean expensive purses… more like cool backpacks, innovative luggage, ultra-lite hiking packs, etc.
A fair share of bringing a bunch of unnecessary bags to college initially.
- Multiple backpacks
- Multiple sports bags/duffels
- Multiple pieces of luggage
- Multiple purses
- Multiple totes
… needless to say, it was unnecessary.
- Save your dollars
- Save your back — cause they can get very heavy
- Save your limited storage space

I’m the worst at throwing away old toiletries … and chances are, you’ve been guilty of this too.
- Sample packets
- Old makeup
- Tools I don’t use
- Multiple travel-sized items
- Multiple hairbrushes
- Excessive hair ties
- Supplements I don’t take
- Random first aid supplies
- Unfinished lotions and soaps
- Never-opened gifts — like the foot mask I got like 5 years ago …
… you get the idea.
It’s so easy to hoard these items because they are small and easy to store, but don’t bring that mess with you.
Pick out the essentials, grab a few things you might want at some point, and call it a day.
- Save you money — I’ve wasted so so so much on toiletries
- Save your space — It’s surprising how quickly it adds up
- Save your time — Throwing away, keeping track of, etc . is the last thing you want to worry about.
Now you know what not to bring to college! I hope this was helpful!